Bath Tea Bags

Fillable Bath Tea Bags

$1.84 - $10.49
Fillable Bath Tea Bags - Image

Our fillable bath tea bags with pull strings make a perfect accompaniment to your bath tea recipes and can also be used to make delicious herbal teas. All you have to do is scoop your herbs into the tea bag, pull the string tight to close the bag, then place it in your bath water to get all the benefits. These pull string bath tea bags are made of non-woven fabrics in a natural white color and are biodegradable. They are approximately 3.5 X 2.75 inches and have a wide mouth which makes it easy to get loose tea into the bag.

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Usage & Recommendations

Tips for using our fillable bath tea bags:

Pull String Bath Tea Bags are the perfect accompaniment for your bath tea recipes, and can be used to make herbal teas. Simply scoop your herbs into the tea bag, pull the string tight to close the bag, and place it in your bath water.


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